
23. Always practice the three general principles

  • This is the First Slogan/Instruction of Point Six, which consists of sixteen instructions.
  • Point Six is “The Disciplines of Mind Training”

Chögyam Trungpa wrote,

This slogan is a general description as to how we can practice the buddhadharma according to the three basic principles of hinayana, mahayana, and vajrayana. It is connected with a sense of keeping the discipline of all three yanas—hinayana mindfulness practice, mahayana benevolence, and vajrayana crazy wisdom—all at the same time.

Chögyam Trungpa, Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness

Traleg Kyabgon wrote,

This commitment relates to our motivation to practice mind training. If we recognize from the beginning that lojong is a powerful and beneficial practice, we’ll commit ourselves in a genuine and continuous way by retaining a sense of impartiality and guarding against distortion.

Traleg Kyabgon, The Practice of Lojong: Cultivating Compassion through Training the Mind

The three principles according to Traleg Kyabgon are: 1) Remember to value your commitment; 2) Refrain from distorted forms of thinking; and 3) Refrain from falling into partiality.

Thangka, opaque watercolor and ink on cotton; overall: 52.4 x 43.2 cm (20 5/8 x 17 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art

Green Tara, c. 1260s. Tibet. Thangka, opaque watercolor and ink on cotton; overall: 52.4 x 43.2 cm (20 5/8 x 17 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art