

About the Sources

Sources are listed by translator. This is unusual, but translations are being compared here, not source texts. At some point, I might provide a bibliography in standard order, but for now such an apparatus seems beside the point. Links are to current publishers when available, though I sometimes have (and list) an older edition and/or an edition from a different publisher.

Listing of Sources

Alphabetical by translator

Barron, Richard (Chökyi Nyima)

Bodhi, Bhikkhu

Bodhi, Bhikkhu and Nanamoli, Bhikkhu

Brunnhölzl, Karl

Coleman, Graham

  • A Handbook of Tibetan Culture: A Guide to Tibetan Centres and Resources throughout the World, 1994

Cozort, Daniel

Unique Tenets of the Middle Way Consequence School, 1998

Dorje, Gyurme

Dorje, Gyurme and Kapstein, Matthew

The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism by Dudjom Rinpoche, 1991

Dowman, Keith

Duff, Lama Tony

Francesca Fremantle and Chögyam Trungpa

Hopkins, Jeffrey

Meditation on Emptiness, 1996

ITCKC – International Translation Committee of Kunkhyab Choling

Myriad Worlds: Buddhist Cosmology in Abhidharma, Kalacakra and Dzog-chen by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, 1995

Jinpa, Geshe Thupten and Barron, Richard (Chökyi Nyima)

Kornman, Robert; Sangye Khandro, and Lama Chönam

Kungsang, Erik Pema

Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee

Norbu, Thinley

Padmakara Translation Group

Perdue, Daniel E.

Pettit, John Whitney

Ponlop, Dzogchen

Powers, John

Reynolds, John Myrdhin

Rhoton, Jared

Smith, Malcolm

Thurman, Robert

Tsewang, Lopon Sonam and Amtzis, Judith

  • The All-Pervading Melodious Sound of Thunder: The Outer Liberation Story of Terton Migyur Dorje, 2008

Wallace, B. Alan

Walshe, Maurice