

Monier-Williams:  a-kṣara mfn. imperishable, unalterable


Böhtlingk and Roth Grosses Petersburger Wörterbuch


ekākṣara n. the sole imperishable thing, AV. v, 28, 8; a single syllable, Subh.; a monosyllabic word, VS. ; ŚBr. ; RPrāt. &c.; the sacred monosyllable om, Mn. ii, 83 ; MBh. &c.; N. of an Upaniṣad; (mfn.)...


Monier-Williams: oṃ—kāra (oṃ-k°), m. the sacred and mystical syllable om, the exclamation om, pronouncing the syllable om, Mn. ii, 75 ; 81 ; Kathās. ; Bhag. &c., (cf. vijayoṃkāra, kṛtoṃkāra); a beginning,...


Monier-Williams: pra-ṇava: See pra-ṇu. pra-°ṇava b (or pra-ṇ°), mf. (ifc. f(ā). ) the mystical or sacred syllable om pra-nu: (√nu) P. Ā. -navati, °te, to roar, bellow, sound, reverberate, RV. ; AV. ; P. -ṇauti,...